GREEN-VAN-ART-USA More Paintings
119nred 121red 122nred
354red 357red 355red
#119 The Penitent Magdalen after El Greco 36x28 oil on canvas $1400
#121 Boy Lighting a Candle after El Greco 24x20 oil on canvas  $1200
#122  St Matthew (Apostle Series) after El Greco 36x28  $1200
#354 Old Barn 6x8 oil on masonite $80
#357  Pemberton Park Series-Footbridge  8x10 oil on masonite  $100
#355 Old Shed with Sheep  6x8  oil on masonite  $80
#353  Field and Trees oil on masonite  6x15 $160
#447  West Virginia Field from the Train  12x16  oil on masonite $200
#395  County Farm Park #10-Path  5x7 oil on masonite $80
395red 353red 447red
229red 298red 305red
#229 Birdbath and Aster 36x48 oil  on canvas  $900
#298 Boat and Lake-Adirondacks 16x20 oil on canvas $500
#305 Castle on Hill and Fields-Germany 20x30 oil on canvs $800
266red 282red 284red
#266 The  Flower Gatherer 12x16 oil on canvasboard  $260
#282 Brick Tea House-Cutting Fields Arboretum 14x18 oil on canvas $400
#284 View from Window-Little Creek, Ocean View, Norfolk 12x16 oil on canvasboard $260
local pickup 20% off listed price